13 Things You Should Know Before You Invest in Your Next Mobile App Idea!
- Mobile
- July 30, 2019
The inventions of smartphones and tablets have entirely changed the look of the modern era. Gadgets like cell phones largely influence the way we live and communicate with each other.
Nowadays, almost every person possesses mobile devices without which life seems incomplete. The majority of businesses are shifting their attention towards having mobile applications to streamline their workflow processes and provide access to real-time data anywhere.
13 Factors to Consider Before Investing in Mobile App Idea
Did you get an app idea? Awesome! Although you are propelled by enthusiasm to create an awe-inspiring mobile app, a few factors ought to be considered. For the product to be successful, you have to give all ideas a thought before rushing into development.
Check out a few suggestions to get started:
1. Begin With the End in Mind
No matter how excited you are to get your app in the market, it is always essential to plan. In your mind, think about the results thoroughly and prepare for the drawbacks as well.
Think about where you want to be after this product has launched and how do you want to capture the market with this app.
2. Do Market Research
Before preparing to launch your app in the market, you must do detailed app market research. By researching and analyzing the market, one can easily get an idea about the competitors, their ways, strategies, and tactics to deal with failures. This will help you in dealing with the concerns that can arise while designing your app.

You can also do some research work on the apps, which have a similar idea like yours, but they failed. Inquire about the reasons why they failed, what was the cause of their demise.
3. Your Idea Must Be 100% Efficient
One of the prime characteristics that users expect is 100% efficiency in a mobile app. The only way you can survive in today’s competitive world is to make sure that your app provides a great user experience. For instance, make sure your app uses fewer data and uses it efficiently.
4. Set the Budget
It might be easy to determine the prices while shopping for rations, but the scenario is entirely different for a mobile app. You have to determine the expenditures you will face while creating the app.
Apart from that, you also have to make sure that the amount you spend on your app development will eventually come back. The cost of an app primarily depends on the features that you want in it. If you do want to cheapen the rates, then remember you get back what you invest.
You will also need to keep in mind the ways of how you are going to get the money to build an app. You might need to get in contact with some right investors who are willing to listen to you and negotiate.
Read also: Most Common Mistakes in Making Mobile App Budgeting
5. Set the Target Audience
Keep the audience in mind. Ask yourself some crucial questions about the target audience. Questions like:
- Which age group is going to use this app?
- How is the app going to help them?
- Will the app meet their expectations?

There is no need to rush the process because not everyone has an in-house mobile app developing system. If the questions above are answered very clearly, your app actually might be a success.
Read also: Tips on How to Identify the Target Audiences for Mobile App
6. Marketing Strategy
This is one of the key elements in building a successful and useful app. It is a fact that almost 90% of apps are not even used after being installed.
The question, which arises, is what causes the users to lose interest in the app. The answer to your question is that the marketing strategy is at fault.
Marketing strategy is the decision-making process in which you have to decide what feature to keep in your app and what not. It involves the features and outlook of the app. ‘What features should the app have?’ ‘What color is it that attracts the audience the most?’ ‘What options can be nagging the customers and causing them to uninstall the app?’
Furthermore, see what opportunities the app can provide to the customers. Do not just build an app out of nowhere because you feel like it. If you have a great idea, and you strongly believe that the features in your app are better than other apps, Go Ahead!
7. Specifications
Specifications are also a key feature in mobile apps. What an app has to offer is what attracts the customers. You can come up with enticing specs for your app and attract mainstream users. The specs should be thought after careful research of what other apps are offering.
You must also try to keep the specs and features up to date by continuously updating them. If the specifications are up to the mark, the app will be used and recommended to others as well.
8. Operating System (OS)
The operating system defines how computers or smartphones store files, switches between applications, maintains memory, and all work of the technical sort.
Some operating systems are designed by a group of people around the world like the free operating system Linux. On the contrary, some commercial operating systems are made by companies like Microsoft and Apple.
Now you have to choose an operating system for your app. Selecting a system also decides on which gadgets the app would be functional as different devices have different operating systems. You can also select more than one operating system.
9. App Security
One of the most important factors that a customer wants is that their privacy should be protected.
Hence, you have to pay close attention to the security issues and viruses that attack your app. There are various methods to protect your app like static testing, dynamic testing, and mobile testing.
Static and dynamic testing involves running codes at a fixed point in the app while it is being designed. This aids in encrypting the app against malware. Similarly, mobile testing is specifically designed to examine app when it runs in a smartphone.
This also helps to scrutinize how an attacker can destroy the OS system and the apps running on them.
Read also: How to Improve Your Mobile App Security Knowledge
10. User Reviews
An app review given by a user can either destroy or develop your app. App reviews show a future buyer what to expect from the app. The user reviews can be either negative or positive.
Before launching your app, read the reviews on other apps given by the users. The negative and positive reviews leave a lot of room for improvement. App reviews that have an average below three are considered the negative ones.
So whatever you do, make sure to design an app that always stays on top and slays.
11. Device Independent
Always try to keep your app device-independent. When your app is device-independent, it will not run on a specific device. The app would be able to run on all kinds of devices, which include laptops, computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.
When an app does not require a specific device or system to operate under, it automatically begins to gather a large stream audience. The apps that run on all types of software and gadgets tend to be more accessible.
12. Influencer Marketing
Starting with baby steps, this step should be considered after other important ones. Influencer marketing is promoting your website through a social media influencer.
You can also call it a type of promotion for your product. When a social media influencer suggests his/her followers to try out a new app they usually do.
In this way, the app gains multiple downloads, which raises its rank and paves the way for it to be noticed. If you have thought of creating a website for the app, you can also request the influencers to share the link of that website on their pages.
I hope that they will do the promotion, but not all of them do it free. So do keep that in your mind before reaching out to an influencer.
13. Choose your Developer
Once you have decided all the above steps for your app, then you may proceed towards its building. The step is choosing a developer who is interested in building the app of your dreams. Choosing a developer is the step on which the future of your app depends.
You can try the agency route for this. A good app development agency will have an experienced team who can create a replica of the app right from your imagination. The app developers can also provide you with second options or a better idea to improve your app.
Make sure you have kept room for the app developer as well on your budget list.

Final Thoughts
Concisely, thinking of making an app that will be a household name one day is not a bad idea. However, the mindset and skills required to pull this job are tough. I have tried my best to enlist the necessary steps and ideas needed before manufacturing an app.
FAQs About Mobile App Idea
There are no legal filings to protect an app idea but you can do so by sharing information selectively, getting a non-disclosure agreement, registering a trademark for name and logo, turning your idea into reality, etc.
You can choose a developer for your mobile app by searching on Google, LinkedIn, Clutch. But, I would recommend you to contact an app development company like Mindinventory.
You should consider many things like beginning with the end in mind, do market research, set the budget and target audience, marketing strategy, specifications, OS, user reviews, device-independent, influencer marketing, choose a perfect developer.